DAYSP (compatibility function)

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DAYSP (compatibility function)


DAYSP(StartDate, EndDate)


Compatibility function for older PlanMaker documents.

This function has been replaced by the DAYS function. (Please note that DAYS expects its parameters in reversed order.)

See the notes below.


DAYSP is merely a compatibility function. When you open a document created with PlanMaker 2012 or earlier, all occurrences of the DAYS function are automatically converted into DAYSP. Reason: In PlanMaker 2016, the parameter order of the DAYS function was swapped.

For new documents, it is recommended to use the Excel 2013 compatible function DAYS instead, which is identical – except for the order of its parameters:

DAYS(EndDate, StartDate) equals

DAYSP(StartDate, EndDate)

For more information, see DAYS.

Compatibility notes:

This function is not supported by Microsoft Excel. If you save a document in Excel format, all calculations using this function will be replaced by their last result as a fixed value.


DAYSP("01/01/2018", "01/14/2018") returns 13

If cell A1 contains the date value 01/01/2018 and cell A2 contains the date value 01/14/2018:

DAYSP(A1, A2) returns 13

See also: