EOMONTH (end of month in n months)

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EOMONTH (end of month in n months)


EOMONTH(StartDate, m)


Returns the last day of the month that is m months before/after StartDate.

The StartDate argument must be a valid date value, otherwise the function returns the error value #VALUE!

m is the number of months.

If m is zero, the last day of the same month will be returned.

If m is positive, a date in the future will be returned.

If m is negative, a date in the past will be returned.

m should be an integer. Digits right of the decimal point are ignored.


EOMONTH("09/25/2018", 0) returns 09/30/2018

EOMONTH("09/25/2018", 1) returns 10/31/2018

EOMONTH("09/25/2018", -1) returns 08/31/2018

If cell A1 contains the date value 9/25/2018 then EOMONTH(A1, 0) returns 9/30/2018

See also: