MOD (remainder of a division, Excel method)

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MOD (remainder of a division, Excel method)


MOD(x, y)


Returns the remainder of the division of x by y, using the erroneous "Excel method".

Important: This function returns FALSE results in some cases (see annotation below)!


MOD(5, 3) returns 2

MOD(5, 0) returns a #DIV/0! error value

MOD(5, -3) returns -1 (which is wrong – see below!)


Microsoft Excel returns wrong results when you use the MOD function with a negative numerator or denominator.

PlanMaker also returns wrong results in this case (for compatibility reasons), but additionally offers a function named MODP that returns correct results

The following table shows the differences between MOD and MODP (the results highlighted in green color are wrong):


Compatibility notes:

Note: The MODP function is not supported by Microsoft Excel. If you save a document in Excel format, all calculations using this function will be replaced by their last result as a fixed value.

See also: