ROOTN (n-th root)

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ROOTN (n-th root)


ROOTN(Number [, n])


Returns the n-th root of a number. If n is omitted, the square root is returned (n=2).

n should be an integer. Digits to the right of the decimal point are ignored.

If n is even, Number must be ≥ 0.

Compatibility notes:

This function is not supported by Microsoft Excel. If you save a document in Excel format, all calculations using this function will be replaced by their last result as a fixed value.

Tip: Alternatively, the n-th root of a number can be calculated using the following Excel compatible function:

ROOTN(Number, n) equals POWER(Number, 1/n)


ROOTN(25) returns 5

ROOTN(-25) returns a #NUM! error value

ROOTN(125, 3) returns 5

ROOTN(-125, 3) returns -5

See also: