RRI (interest for fixed-interest investments)

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RRI (interest for fixed-interest investments)


RRI(Per, PV, FV)


Returns the interest rate required to obtain a specific future value after a specific period.

This function is applicable to investments with just one payment (made at the beginning) and a fixed interest rate.

The function expects the following arguments:

Per is the number of periods. For example, if the annual interest rate is considered, a period is one year.

PV is the present value.

FV is the future value.


To obtain $5000 with a fixed-interest investment of $3000 after 10 years. How high the annual interest rate has to be?

RRI(10, 3000, 5000) returns 0.05241 (i.e., about 5.24%)

Compatibility notes:

Microsoft Excel supports this function only in version 2013 or later. In older versions, the function is unknown.

In older versions of PlanMaker this function was called PCF.

See also: