Row (object)

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Row (object)

Access paths:

Application à Documents à Item à Tables à Item à Rows à Item

Application à ActiveDocument à Tables à Item à Rows à Item

 1  Description

A Row object represents one individual table row of a table and allows you to change the formatting of this table row.

An individual Row object exists for each table row. If you add the rows to a table or delete them, the respective Row objects will be created or deleted dynamically.

 2  Access to the object

The individual Row objects can be accessed solely through enumerating the elements of the collection Rows. Each table in this collection has exactly one instance.

An example:

' Display the height of the second row of the first table

MsgBox tm.ActiveDocument.Tables(1).Rows.Item(2).Height

 3  Properties, objects, collections and methods










Shading Shading

Application Application

Parent Rows



Cells Cells

Borders Borders

Height (property)

Data type: Single

Gets or sets the height of the table represented by Row in points (1 point corresponds to 1/72 inches).

Please note that the following applies if the HeightRule property (see below) of the table row is set to "Automatic":

When reading this property, the value SmoUndefined (9,999,999) will be returned.

When changing this property, the method used to determine the height of the table row (HeightRule) will automatically be changed to "At least".

HeightRule (property)

Data type: Long (TmRowHeightRule)

Gets or sets the method used to determine the height of the table row represented by Row. The possible values are:

tmRowHeightAuto      = 0 ' Set row height to "automatic"

tmRowHeightExact     = 1 ' Set row height to "exact"

tmRowHeightAtLeast   = 2 ' Set row height to "at least"

KeepTogether (property)

Data type: Boolean

Gets or sets the property "Keep together with next row".

If set to True, TextMaker will not be allowed to insert an automatic page break between the table row and the next one. Instead, the break will be inserted above the row.

BreakPageAtRow (property)

Data type: Boolean

Gets or sets the property "Break page at row". If set to True, TextMaker inserts a page break above the table row.

AllowBreakInRow (property)

Data type: Boolean

Gets or sets the property "Allow page break in row".

If set to True, TextMaker is allowed to insert a page break within the row if required. If set to False, the whole table row will be moved to the next page.

RepeatAsHeaderRow (property)

Data type: Boolean

Gets or sets the property "Repeat row as header". This property is available only for the first row in a table.

If set to True, TextMaker repeats the row on every page, if the table extends over two or more pages. This is useful for repeating table headings on each page.

Shading (pointer to object)

Data type: Object

Returns the Shading object belonging to Row which represents the shading of the entire table row.

Application (pointer to object)

Data type: Object

Returns the Application object.

Parent (pointer to object)

Data type: Object

Returns the parent object, i.e. an object of the type Rows.

Cells (pointer to collection)

Data type: Object

Returns the Cells collection belonging to the table which contains all cells of the table row.

Borders (pointer to collection)

Data type: Object

Returns the Borders collection representing the five border lines of the table row. You can use this collection to retrieve and change the line settings (thickness, color, etc.).