<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Color constants for BGR colors |
Some of TextMaker's and PlanMaker's properties expect a BGR color (blue/green/red) as their argument. You can either give an arbitrary value or choose one of the following constants:
smoColorAutomatic = -1 ' Automatic (see below)
smoColorTransparent = -1 ' Transparent (see below)
smoColorBlack = &h0&
smoColorBlue = &hFF0000&
smoColorBrightGreen = &h00FF00&
smoColorRed = &h0000&
smoColorYellow = &h00FFFF&
smoColorTurquoise = &hFFFF00&
smoColorViolet = &h800080&
smoColorWhite = &hFFFFFF&
smoColorIndigo = &h993333&
smoColorOliveGreen = &h003333&
smoColorPaleBlue = &hFFCC99&
smoColorPlum = &h663399&
smoColorRose = &hCC99FF&
smoColorSeaGreen = &h669933&
smoColorSkyBlue = &hFFCC00&
smoColorTan = &h99CCFF&
smoColorTeal = &h808000&
smoColorAqua = &hCCCC33&
smoColorBlueGray = &h996666&
smoColorBrown = &h003399&
smoColorGold = &h00CCFF&
smoColorGreen = &h008000&
smoColorLavender = &hFF99CC&
smoColorLime = &h00CC99&
smoColorOrange = &h0066FF&
smoColorPink = &hFF00FF&
smoColorLightBlue = &hFF6633&
smoColorLightOrange = &h0099FF&
smoColorLightYellow = &h99FFFF&
smoColorLightGreen = &hCCFFCC&
smoColorLightTurquoise = &hFFFFCC&
smoColorDarkBlue = &h800000&
smoColorDarkGreen = &h003300&
smoColorDarkRed = &h000080&
smoColorDarkTeal = &h663300&
smoColorDarkYellow = &h008080&
smoColorGray05 = &hF3F3F3&
smoColorGray10 = &hE6E6E6&
smoColorGray125 = &hE0E0E0&
smoColorGray15 = &hD9D9D9&
smoColorGray20 = &hCCCCCC&
smoColorGray25 = &hC0C0C0&
smoColorGray30 = &hB3B3B3&
smoColorGray35 = &hA6A6A6&
smoColorGray375 = &hA0A0A0&
smoColorGray40 = &h999999&
smoColorGray45 = &h8C8C8C&
smoColorGray50 = &h808080&
smoColorGray55 = &h737373&
smoColorGray60 = &h666666&
smoColorGray625 = &h606060&
smoColorGray65 = &h595959&
smoColorGray75 = &h404040&
smoColorGray85 = &h262626&
smoColorGray90 = &h191919&
smoColorGray70 = &h4C4C4C&
smoColorGray80 = &h333333&
smoColorGray875 = &h202020&
smoColorGray95 = &hC0C0C0&
The colors smoColorAutomatic and smoColorTransparent serve specific purposes and cannot be used at will:
▪smoColorAutomatic lets you set the color of the sheet grid in PlanMaker to "Automatic".
▪smoColorTransparent lets you set the background color of text to "Transparent" in TextMaker and PlanMaker.