Validation (object)

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Validation (object)

Access paths:

Application à Workbooks à Item à Sheets à Item à Range à Validation

Application à Workbooks à ActiveSheet à Range à Validation

Application à ActiveWorkbook à ActiveSheet à Range à Validation

Application à ActiveSheet à Range à Validation

Instead of "Range", you can also use other objects and properties that return a Range-object: ActiveCell, Selection, Rows(n), Columns(n) and Cells(x, y). You can find examples of these access paths in the Range-Object.

 1  Description

The Validation object represents the validation check of a range (that is, a Range object). In PlanMaker, such validation checks can be set up with the ribbon command Review | Input validation.

 2  Access to the object

Each Range object has exactly one instance of the Validation object. It is accessed through Range.Validation:

' Display the input message for cell A1

MsgBox pm.ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Validation.InputMessage

 3  Properties, objects, collections and methods


Type R/O


Value R/O







Operator R/O

Formula1 R/O

Formula2 R/O





Application Application

Parent Range






Type (property, R/O)

Data type: Long (PmDVType)

Gets or sets the setting which type of values to allow. The possible values are:

pmValidateInputOnly     = 0 ' Allow all types of values

pmValidateWholeNumber   = 1 ' Allow only integer numbers

pmValidateDecimal       = 2 ' Allow only decimal numbers

pmValidateList          = 3 ' Allow only values from a pre-defined list

pmValidateDate          = 4 ' Allow only date values

pmValidateTime          = 5 ' Allow only time values

pmValidateTextLength    = 6 ' Allow only values of a certain length

pmValidateCustom        = 7 ' User-defined check

AlertStyle (property)

Data type: Long (PmDVAlertStyle)

Gets or sets the style of the error message for invalid values.

pmValidAlertStop          = 0 ' Error message

pmValidAlertWarning       = 1 ' Warning message

pmValidAlertInformation   = 2 ' Information message

Value (property, R/O)

Data type: Boolean

Returns True, when the range contains valid values (i.e. values passing the input validation check), else False.

ShowInput (property)

Data type: Long

Gets or sets the setting if an input message should be displayed when the cell is activated. Corresponds to the setting "Show input message when cell is selected" on the Input message tab in the dialog box of the ribbon command Review | Input validation.

InputTitle (property)

Data type: String

Gets or sets the title of the input message that appears when the cell is activated. Corresponds to the entry field "Title" on the Input message tab in the dialog box of the ribbon command Review | Input validation.

InputMessage (property)

Data type: String

Gets or sets the text of the input message that appears when the cell is activated. Corresponds to the entry field "Message" on the Input message tab in the dialog box of the ribbon command Review | Input validation.

ShowError (property)

Data type: Long

Gets or sets the setting whether a message should be displayed when a value that do not pass the input validation check is entered into the cell. Corresponds to the setting "Show error message after invalid data is entered" on the Error message tab in the dialog box of the ribbon command Review | Input validation.

ErrorTitle (property)

Data type: String

Gets or sets the title of the message that is displayed when an invalid value is entered into the cell. Corresponds to the entry field "Title" on the Error message tab in the dialog box of the ribbon command Review | Input validation.

ErrorMessage (property)

Data type: String

Gets or sets the title of the message that is displayed when an invalid value is entered into the cell. Corresponds to the entry field "Message" on the Error message tab in the dialog box of the ribbon command Review | Input validation.

Operator (property, R/O)

Data type: Long (PmDVOperator)

Gets or sets the comparison operator used by the input validation check.

pmDVBetween        = 0 ' is between

pmDVNotBetween     = 1 ' is not between

pmDVEqual          = 2 ' is equal to

pmDVNotEqual       = 3 ' is not equal to

pmDVGreater        = 4 ' is greater than

pmDVLess           = 5 ' is less than

pmDVGreaterEqual   = 6 ' is greater than or equal to

pmDVLessEqual      = 7 ' is less than or equal to

Formula1 (property, R/O)

Data type: String

Returns the minimum of the validation check for the operators pmDVBetween and pmDVNotBetween. For all other operators, it returns the value.

Formula2 (property, R/O)

Data type: String

Returns the maximum of the validity check for the operators pmDVBetween and pmDVNotBetween, for all other operators the return value is empty.

InCellDropDown (property)

Data type: Long

Gets or sets the setting whether a list of the allowed values should be displayed in the cell. Applicable only when the type of validation check (see Type property above) is set to "List entries" (pmValidateList).

Corresponds to the option "Use dropdown" in the dialog box of the ribbon command Check | Validation.

IgnoreBlank (property)

Data type: Long

Gets or sets the setting whether empty cells should be ignored by the input validation check. Corresponds to the setting "Ignore empty cells" in the dialog box of the ribbon command Check | Validation.

Application (pointer to object)

Data type: Object

Returns the Application object.

Parent (pointer to object)

Data type: Object

Returns the parent object, i.e. an object of the type Range.

Add (method)

Sets up a new validity check in an area. Corresponds to the ribbon command Check | Validation.

Please note that each cell cannot have more than one input validation check.


 Add Type, [AlertStyle], [Operator], [Formula1], [Formula2]


Type (type: Long or PmDVType) determines the type of input validation check. The possible values are:

 pmValidateInputOnly      = 0 ' Allow all types of values *

 pmValidateWholeNumber    = 1 ' Allow only integer numbers

 pmValidateDecimal        = 2 ' Allow only decimal numbers

 pmValidateList           = 3 ' Allow only values from a pre-defined list **

 pmValidateDate           = 4 ' Allow only date values

 pmValidateTime           = 5 ' Allow only times values

 pmValidateTextLength     = 6 ' Allow only values of a certain length

 pmValidateCustom         = 7 ' User-defined check ***

* With this setting, all values are accepted. Use it if you merely want an input message to appear when the user activates the affected cell(s).
** With this setting, only the values specified in a list of allowed values are accepted. Use the parameter Formula1 to specify the range containing this list. For example, if the cells C1 through C3 hold the values "dog", "cat" and "mouse" and you enter C1:C3 for Formula1, only these three values will be allowed.
*** When using this setting, you must specify in Formula1 an expression that returns True for valid entries, or False for invalid entries.
AlertStyle (type: Long or PmDVAlertStyle) specifies the style of the error message for invalid values:

 pmValidAlertStop          = 0 ' Error message

 pmValidAlertWarning       = 1 ' Warning message

 pmValidAlertInformation   = 2 ' Information message

Operator (type: Long or PmDVOperator) specifies the comparison operator used by the input validation check:

 pmDVBetween        = 0 ' is between

 pmDVNotBetween     = 1 ' is not between

 pmDVEqual          = 2 ' is equal to

 pmDVNotEqual       = 3 ' is not equal to

 pmDVGreater        = 4 ' is greater than

 pmDVLess           = 5 ' is less than

 pmDVGreaterEqual   = 6 ' is greater than or equal to

 pmDVLessEqual      = 7 ' is less than or equal to

Formula1 (optional; type: String ) defines a string containing a number, a reference to a cell, or a formula. For pmDVBetween and pmDVNotBetween it specifies the minimum, for all other operators the value.
Formula2 (optional; type: String ) defines a string containing a number, a reference to a cell, or a formula. Must be specified only if pmDVBetween or pmDVNotBetween are used.

Return type:


Summary of all parameter combinations possible:







(not used)

(not used)


(not used)


All of the above

Contains the minimum for pmDVBetween and pmDVNotBetween and the value for all other operators.


May only be used with pmDVBetween and pmDVNotBetween and then contains the maximum.


(not used)

A list of values, separated by the system list separator, or a cell reference


(not used)


(not used)

An expression that returns True for inputs that are to be considered valid, otherwise returns False


(not used)

Modify (method)

Modifies the input validation for a range.


 Modify [Type], [AlertStyle], [Operator], [Formula1], [Formula2]


Type (type: Long or PmDVType) determines the type of input validation check. The possible values are:

 pmValidateInputOnly        = 0 ' Allow all types of values *

 pmValidateWholeNumber      = 1 ' Allow only integer numbers

 pmValidateDecimal          = 2 ' Allow only decimal numbers

 pmValidateList             = 3 ' Allow only values from a pre-defined list **

 pmValidateDate             = 4 ' Allow only date values

 pmValidateTime             = 5 ' Allow only times values

 pmValidateTextLength       = 6 ' Allow only values of a certain length

 pmValidateCustom           = 7 ' User-defined check ***

* With this setting, all values are accepted. Use it if you merely want an input message to appear when the user activates the affected cell(s).
** With this setting, only the values specified in a list of allowed values are accepted. Use the parameter Formula1 to specify the range containing this list. For example, if the cells C1 through C3 hold the values "dog", "cat" and "mouse" and you enter C1:C3 for Formula1, only these three values will be allowed.
*** When using this setting, you must specify in Formula1 an expression that returns True for valid entries, or False for invalid entries.
AlertStyle (type: Long or PmDVAlertStyle) specifies the style of the error message for invalid values:

 pmValidAlertStop          = 0 ' Error message

 pmValidAlertWarning       = 1 ' Warning message

 pmValidAlertInformation   = 2 ' Information message

Operator (type: Long or PmDVOperator) specifies the relational operator used by the input validation check:

 pmDVBetween        = 0 ' is between

 pmDVNotBetween     = 1 ' is not between

 pmDVEqual          = 2 ' is equal to

 pmDVNotEqual       = 3 ' is not equal to

 pmDVGreater        = 4 ' is greater than

 pmDVLess           = 5 ' is less than

 pmDVGreaterEqual   = 6 ' is greater than or equal to

 pmDVLessEqual      = 7 ' is less than or equal to

Formula1 (optional; type: String ) defines a string containing a number, a reference to a cell, or a formula. For pmDVBetween and pmDVNotBetween it specifies the minimum, for all other operators the value.
Formula2 (optional; type: String ) defines a string containing a number, a reference to a cell, or a formula. Must be specified only if pmDVBetween or pmDVNotBetween are used.

Return type:


Delete (method)

Removes the input validation check from a range.





Return type:



' Remove the input validation check from cells A1 and A2
