You can limit the Find function to text in a specific font, color or size.
Open the dialog box as usual with the ribbon command Home | group Search | Find
1. | To find text in a specific font, color or size, click on the hyperlink Character formatting. |
2. | The dialog box Find Format lets you select the desired font, font size and font color. |
| If some text is already selected when the dialog box is opened, the formatting of this text is applied as the default setting to the dialog box. |
3. | If the dropdown list Font is set to Any, the program does not search for the font. |
4. | If the dropdown list Size is set to Any, the program does not search for the font size. |
5. | If the check mark is set for Fill, the program only searches for text that has a certain fill color. Click on the button next to the checkbox to select a color. |
6. | If the check mark is set for Stroke, the program only searches for text that has a certain outline color. Click on the button next to the checkbox to select a color. |