Deleting article threads

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Deleting article threads

You can delete an article box, a range of boxes or an entire article thread. The text in the PDF itself will remain unaffected.

1.Select the Article tool icon_tool_article on the ribbon tab Insert | group Articles.
2.In the document, select the article box to be deleted by clicking on its center with the mouse.
Tip: The article box is only selected correctly if the blue handles appear at the corners.
3.Use the arrow of the Thread icon icon_tool_article to open its menu, and select Delete here. Alternatively: Press the Backspace key or the Del key on your keyboard.
dialog - article delete
4.The displayed dialog box Delete Article Thread lets you delete the entire article thread or only the currently selected article box (bead ID 3 here) from this article thread. Other options: Delete the article boxes in a specific bead ID range or all article boxes in a specific page range.
Explanation of bead IDs: When creating an article thread, FlexiPDF assigned a sequential number (bead ID) to each article box that was added within the article thread. This bead ID is displayed at the back of the article box header:
Article thread 1 with article box 3 (bead ID = 3)