List of comments

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List of comments

FlexiPDF provides an overview of all comments (notes, stamps, text highlighting) in the PDF.

Choose the ribbon command View | group Window | Sidebars dropdown_arrow | Comments to show the Comments sidebar. The displayed list is divided into three sections, each containing the same information sorted by:

- Page
- Comment Type
- Author
Click on the names of the groups to the right of the gray squares to expand them as shown below. Click on them again to collapse them.
window - comments

Here, you can perform the following actions:

Click on a comment in the list to go to the page where it was inserted.

Click on a comment in the list, and then click on the Delete comment icon icons_comments_delete at the top to remove it from the document.

Click on the Find icon icon_bookmarks_findreplace at the top to open the dialog box Find and Replace in Comments.

When you edit a comment in the document, the display in the Comments sidebar will be updated accordingly.

You can grab the comment bar with your mouse and dock it on to any side of the FlexiPDF program window. Alternatively, you can convert the Comments toolbar into a floating window by dragging it away from the edge of the program window.


To change the user name for comments, choose the command File | Options, switch to the Saving tab, and enter the new name in the User name field.