Options: Advanced tab

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Options: Advanced tab

Choose File | Options and switch to the Advanced tab.

Detect bold / overprinted text

In some documents, bold text is simulated by displaying the text multiple times in the normal font with a slight offset (overprinting). FlexiPDF detects this and converts it into "real" bold. You can disable this function here to increase the speed of FlexiPDF for complex pages.

Detect tabs and leader dots

Before editing, FlexiPDF searches for sequences of dots used as spacers in tabular layouts (for example, in the table of contents of a book). FlexiPDF then converts these into real tab stops with leaders.
FlexiPDF also searches for large spacing between words and replaces them with tab stops. This makes it easier to edit tabular data and bulleted lists.
As this detection sometimes fails and also costs CPU time, you can disable it here.

Detect underlined / strike-through text

Before editing, FlexiPDF searches the text for graphic lines that are similar in length to the text near them. FlexiPDF removes these lines and enables an underline or strikethrough, depending on the vertical position of the lines.
As this detection sometimes fails and also costs CPU time, you can disable it here.

Include cropped text when editing

Before editing, FlexiPDF usually determines all visible text on the page and offers it for editing. If this option is enabled, FlexiPDF also includes the text that is invisible due to page cropping. This is useful for finding text that would otherwise be overlooked.
If this option is disabled, you can crop the page to limit it to the text excerpt that FlexiPDF "sees". This can be useful if you want to limit find and replace to part of the text, or if you want to avoid unwanted layout changes when you start editing.
Thus, for example, finding and replacing in a document's header is difficult if the header uses the same font and font size as the rest of the document. How do you tell FlexiPDF to only search the header but not the rest of the document?
The solution is to disable this option, use the Crop tool icon_cropping_tool (ribbon tab Pages | group Crop) to set a cropping around the header, and then perform the search. FlexiPDF will then limit the text search to the text within the cropping and leave the rest of the text unchanged.
After completing the search process, remove the cropping again with Remove crop icon_cropping_remove, and the complete page text will be visible again.

Diagnostic editing mode

This option is for test purposes only. When enabled, it prevents FlexiPDF from providing the text on the pages in an editable form. Objects can still be edited but texts cannot. This option is disabled each time FlexiPDF is started.

Do not show (and add) recent documents

If you click on the ribbon tab File, FlexiPDF displays a list of the most recently opened files. Simply click on one of these files to open it again. If you enable this option, the list of recently used files will no longer be displayed.
The Delete existing recent documents history button removes all existing entries from this list.