Properties of form fields

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Properties of form fields

Most of the settings for form fields are easy to understand. For this purpose, open the dialog box Properties of the form field, as described below in step 1..

The list items for the form fields Combo box and List box are slightly more complex and are thus described in more detail here.

Adding items to combo boxes and list boxes

To configure the properties of the form fields, proceed as follows:

1.Make sure that a form field type is enabled in the menu of the ribbon command Insert | group Objects | Form field, and then double-click on the form field that you want to configure in the document.
Alternatively, you can use the Hand tool icon_tool_hand or the Object tool icon_tool_object to right-click on a form object and select Properties.
2.In the dialog box, select the Options tab.
3.In the Label input field, enter the desired text for a new item. This text is displayed to the user as the new item when the combo box or list box is expanded.
4.Enter any text – or a number – in the Export Value input field. This is not displayed in the document but is stored in a concealed manner within the form in order to record the value chosen when the user selected this item.
5.Select Add and the new item will be added to the list. Create as many additional items as you like by repeating step 3 to step 5.

Setting a default item

Click on an item in the Items list, and select Set. This item then appears as already preset in the combo box/list box, and the user must expand the list in order to change it.

Moving items within the list

To change the order of items within the list, select an item in the list, and then click on Up or Down to change its position.

If you want the entire list to be sorted alphabetically when displayed, set a check mark in the Sort items box. The list is then displayed in a sorted manner for the user.