Adding a stamp

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Adding a stamp

Add a stamp as follows:

1.Choose the ribbon command Insert | group Annotations | Stamp icon_commenting_stamp. Click directly on the icon itself to reuse the last stamp that was used in the document.
To select a different stamp, click on the black arrow of the Stamp icon:
- In the menu that appears, select Built-in to use one of the predefined stamps.
- Alternatively, select User-defined to create a User-defined stamp.
2.Click on any position on the page to set a standard-sized stamp or click and drag to create a stamp of any size.
Note: If, under File | Options, you have not yet entered a user name on the Saving tab, FreePDF now prompts you to do so:
dialog - user name query
This user name is mentioned in each new comment that you add.
3.Optional: After you have placed the stamp on the document, you can also add a comment to it. Double-click on the stamp and enter your comment text in the note window.
Alternatively: Right-click on the stamp to open the context menu and select Open Note.
4.To exit stamp mode, press Esc on the keyboard or select another tool in the Quick access toolbar.