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FreePDF: The Arrowheads feature is possible in FreePDF only for newly inserted objects.

FlexiPDF can add different types of arrowheads to the start and end points of lines and polygons.



1.Use the Line tool icon_drawing_line or the Polygon tool icon_drawing_polygon on the ribbon tab Insert | group Drawings to draw a new object or select an existing drawing object.
2.Choose the ribbon command Format | group Format | Line endings icon_line_endings.
3.A menu appears. For Start point or End point, select the desired arrow type from the respective dropdown list by clicking on it.
Note: The dropdown lists for start point and end point display the currently applied arrow type for the selected objects in a darker gray.


Lines and their arrowheads always share the same color.

The size of arrowheads depends proportionally on the line thickness.