Cropping manually

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Cropping manually

FreePDF: The Crop tool is not included in FreePDF.

You can crop one or more pages manually using the Crop tool.

1.Select the Crop tool icon_cropping_tool on the ribbon tab Pages | group Crop.
2.Use the mouse to drag a rectangle around the area that is to remain after cropping. You do not need to drag out the exact desired shape, since you can resize the box after the initial drag.
When you are satisfied with the size and position of the rectangle, press the Enter key on your keyboard.
3.In the bottom part of the dialog box that appears, specify which pages that you want to crop.
In the top part, you will see the position of the cropped area. Here, you should not change anything in the dialog box.
4.Click on OK to perform the cropping.
5.You can undo a cropping by choosing the ribbon command Pages | group Crop | Remove crop icon_cropping_remove.


When cropping, nothing is removed from the PDF, as it only restricts what PDF viewers and printers display.