Distorting objects

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Distorting objects

You can distort selected objects by using the mouse to drag the handles on the sides and corners of the objects.

Alternatively, use the commands Scale (opens the dialog box Scale) or Transform (opens the dialog box Transform), which are located on the ribbon tab Format | group Size and position.

FreePDF: The Scale and Transform functions are not included in FreePDF.

1.Select one or more objects that you want to distort using the Object tool icon_tool_object.
2.Drag one of the eight handles to stretch (or compress) the objects.
window - stretching_1
3.The selected objects will be stretched to the extent that you drag the rectangle.
window - stretching_2
Note that the stretch hasn't distorted the text. If you need to stretch or scale text as well, use the dialog box Scale or Transform.
4.To maintain the ratio of height and width when stretching, hold down the Shift key while stretching the objects. In the above case, that would result in a larger circle rather than a large oval.