Line style

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Line style

FreePDF: The Line style feature is possible in FreePDF only for newly inserted objects.

You can change the line style – for example, dashed lines – for the outline of one or more selected objects (here: drawings).

Note: By outline, we mean the contour of an object and not the border of its frame. For more information on borders, see Borders.

Proceed as follows:

1.Select one or more drawing objects with the Object tool icon_tool_object from the Quick access toolbar.
2.Choose the ribbon command Format | group Format | Line style icon_line_style.
Tip: If the object does not yet have an outline, or if you have selected No line to remove the line, you must first apply a Line color.
3.You can now select between different line forms in the dropdown list of the command, and the currently selected line form will be indicated by a check mark in front of it. If you select Custom in this dropdown list, you open a dialog box in which you can enter individual spaces for dashed lines.


You cannot change the line style for the outline of pictures and text boxes.