Choose File | Options and switch to the Saving tab.
▪User name
▪Always make a backup on save
| If this option is enabled, and you choose File | Save, a backup file Backup of myfile.pdf will be created. |
▪Auto-save every X minutes
| If this option is enabled, FreePDF will regularly create a backup file. A value of 10 minutes is recommended. |
| If you need to restore a document after a system crash, simply open the document on which you were working. FreePDF will then automatically offer to open the backup file. |
▪Check for overset text on save (not available in FreePDF)
| By default, FlexiPDF checks whether any of the text boxes contain too much text, i.e. whether they overflow, when saving. If FlexiPDF finds overflowing text, the program asks if the overset text should be corrected before saving. If a correction is desired, a list of overset text locations is then displayed. |
| If no correction is made, this text is invisible when the PDF is opened by other PDF viewers. |
| This check can be time-consuming for long documents. In this case, it may be better to temporarily disable the function. |
▪Save documents as PDF version 1.4 when possible
| Normally, FreePDF saves files as PDF version 1.5 and higher. If this option is selected, the program tries to save the edited file as PDF version 1.4 – an older format that is used by some older PDF viewers. However, this is not always possible – for example, if you use newer PDF features that cannot be saved in the old format. |
▪Batch save number of pages
| When finding and replacing in large documents, FreePDF saves the document every 150 pages by default during the process in order to require less memory capacity. Increase the value to speed up the process at the expense of memory usage. Decrease the value to reduce speed and memory usage. |
▪Store layout info in PDF
| When you save an edited PDF file, FreePDF stores additional information (tab stop positions, paragraph alignments, indents and margins, etc.) in the PDF file so that it can be edited more easily by FreePDF. This information slightly increases the file size. |
| Select Never if you want to save PDF files as compactly as possible and do not need the additional information. |
| Select Always whenever the size of the file is less important than the easy editability of the PDF file. |
| Select Sometimes to let FreePDF decide. This is the default setting. |