CONFIDENCE.NORM (confidence interval)

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CONFIDENCE.NORM (confidence interval)


CONFIDENCE.NORM(Alpha, Sigma, n)


Returns a value that allows you to determine the 1-alpha confidence interval for the population mean of a distribution.

The 1-alpha confidence interval is a range of values around the sample mean x covering the interval from (x - CONFIDENCE) to (x + CONFIDENCE). The probability that this interval contains the population mean is 1-Alpha.

Alpha is the significance level to compute the confidence level. Must be in the range 0 to 1.

For example, if Alpha is 5%, the probability that the population mean is outside the confidence interval is 5%. The probability that it is inside is 1-Alpha, i.e., 95%. Therefore, 1-alpha is also called the "confidence level".

Sigma is the population standard deviation. Must be > 0.

n is the size of the sample. Must be > 0.


The average weight of 1000 piglets is to be determined in a pig farm. For this purpose, a sample (with replacement) of the size n=65 is taken. The average weight determined is 30 kg. The standard deviation is 1,6 kg.

The 95% confidence interval (alpha is therefore 0.05 here) is now to be determined. So you would calculate:

CONFIDENCE.NORM(0.05, 1.6, 65) returns 0.38897 (kg)

The average weight of the population (= of all 1000 piglets) is therefore with a probability of 95% between 30-0.38897 kg and 30+0.38897 kg.

Compatibility notes:

Microsoft Excel supports this function only in version 2010 or later. In older versions, the function is unknown.

See also: