NA (error value #N/A)

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NA (error value #N/A)




Returns the error value #N/A ("not available").

Entering =NA() in a cell indicates that the value in this cell is currently not available. Use this function in a cell that is empty, but definitely has to be filled out later in order to receive correct results in calculations made with this cell. As a result, all calculations referring to this cell will also return a #N/A error value (instead of an incorrect result).

In this way, you can prevent calculations from being carried out with empty cells, although these cells would necessarily have to be filled with values for a correct result to be returned.


Instead of entering =NA() into a cell you can also type #N/A, which will lead to the same result.


You would like to calculate your annual turnover using the sum of the four quarterly results. These are entered in cells A1 to A4; the annual turnover could therefore be calculated using the formula SUM(A1:A4).

There is only one problem: the result for the fourth quarter is not yet available, so cell A4 is empty. The annual turnover must therefore not yet be calculated.

However, PlanMaker stubbornly calculates the sum from A1 to A4 – even if one of the values is missing. The result: an apparently miserable annual result, shareholders screaming away.

It is much healthier to not simply leave cell A4 empty, but to enter NA() there. This marks the cell as "not available". This means that the SUM formula no longer has a wrong numerical value as a result, but the error value #N/A. This indicates that one of the quarterly results is not yet available, i.e. the annual turnover cannot yet be calculated. Result: no shareholders running away screaming.

See also:

ISNA, ISERR, ISERROR, ERRORTYPE, section Error values