Settings, Edit tab

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Settings, Edit tab

On the Edit tab of the dialog box of the ribbon command File | Options options_icon, you can change settings for editing table cells:

After input, move selection ...

Determines where to move the cell frame (the dark frame that indicates the current cell on the screen) after the user has entered data in a cell and pressed the Enter key.

In-cell editing

This option is enabled by default. This means that you can edit the contents of a cell directly in the worksheet after pressing the F2 key. If you disable this option, the cell contents can only be edited in the Edit toolbar (displayed above the spreadsheet) after pressing F2.

Automatic percent input

Determines how PlanMaker reacts when you type numbers into a cell that contains a percent value or that is formatted with the "Percent" number format. If enabled, a percent sign is automatically added to your input.

Autocomplete cells

While you type text in a cell with this option enabled, PlanMaker automatically makes suggestions from the existing text entries found in the cells above and below this cell.

Example: You have entered the values "New York", "Rio", and "Tokyo" in a column. If you now go to the cell below these entries and type the letter "N", the program will automatically suggest "New York". If you type the letter "T", "Tokyo" is suggested, etc.


To accept the suggestion, press the Enter key. To reject it, simply continue typing or press the Del key.

In case you do not want PlanMaker to make suggestions while you are typing, you can always disable this option.

Left arrow key never exits cell editing

Use this option to specify what should happen when you navigate to a cell, type in a value and press the left arrow key ß:

On: The text cursor is moved to the left (within your input).

Off: The cell frame is moved to the left. In other words, your input is accepted, and the cell left of the current cell is made the active cell.

Warning if a formula contains errors

If you enter a formula that contains an error (e.g., missing a closing parenthesis), PlanMaker issues an error message when you press Enter. If you do not want numbering, disable this option.

Note: Independent from this option, erroneous formulas are generally replaced by the text #NULL! when you save the document.

Formula tooltip

If this option is enabled, whenever you enter an arithmetic function in a cell, a tooltip providing information about the required function parameters appears below the cell.

Apply character formatting to entire words

Enabling this option has the following effect:

If the text cursor is inside a word and you change the character formatting (for example, select a different font or enable bold), this will affect the entire word.

This allows you to quickly change the formatting of a single word without first having to select it.

Expand tables automatically

As described in the section Tables in worksheets, the ribbon command Insert | Table allows you to create "Tables in worksheets".

This option has the following effect on such tables:

On: When you enter something into one of the cells directly to the right of the table, the table is automatically expanded by another column. The same applies to rows: When you type something directly below the table, another row is added automatically.

Off: The table is not expanded automatically.

Middle mouse button

Mac and Linux only: Here, you can specify what should happen when you click somewhere using the middle mouse button. Available options:

No function: The middle mouse button doesn't have any function.

Paste selected content: If you click in the document with the middle mouse button, a copy of the currently selected content is inserted at this point (for example, the currently selected text).

Expand SmartText entries

As described in SmartText, you can create SmartText entries with PlanMaker (for example, "sd" for "sales department").

If this option is enabled, your SmartText entries can be directly expanded as the text is entered. To do so, simply type the abbreviation for the SmartText (for example, "sd") and then a space, Enter or a punctuation mark, and PlanMaker will automatically replace the abbreviation with the SmartText content.

If this option is disabled, however, SmartText entries can only be inserted via the dialog box of the ribbon command Insert | group Text | SmartText.

Tip: The option "Expand SmartText entries" can also be enabled or disabled in this dialog box.

Insert frames and drawings immediately

This option determines what should happen if you insert a frame or a drawing into a document (text frame, picture frame, AutoShape, etc.) – for example, with the ribbon command Insert | Text frame:

Always: The corresponding object is inserted immediately. Its position and size are fixed without further action.

(Of course, you can always change the object's position after insertion by simply dragging it to the desired location with the mouse. You can also resize it by dragging one of the round handles that surround the object.)

Never: Before the object is actually inserted, the mouse cursor changes to a crosshair. In order to proceed, drag a rectangle in the document to specify the desired position and size. The object will then be inserted exactly according to your specifications.

Auto: This is a smart combination of the two aforementioned options that is already preset in PlanMaker for each specific object type. Objects such as charts or picture frames are inserted directly (as with Always), for example, while objects such as AutoShapes or text frames are inserted via the mouse cursor (as with Never).

Use left Alt as shortcut key

Mac only: This option determines which function the left Alt key on your keyboard should have:

Off: The left Alt key does the same as the right Alt key: It inserts icons into the text.

Alt+E, for example, returns a euro sign €.

On: The left Alt key can be used to open menus in the classic menu.

Note: This only works if you use the program with the classic menu interface instead of the ribbon interface.
Here, Alt+E no longer returns a euro sign, but opens the Edit menu instead.

Number separators

Here you can change which characters to use as decimal separator and as thousands separator for numbers.

Explanation: The decimal separator is the character that is placed in a number with decimal places (e.g. the period in 17.50). The thousands separator is the character that can be used to group long digits (for example, the commas in 1,000,000).

If you choose System default, PlanMaker determines the decimal separator and thousands separator from your current system settings automatically. (This is the default setting.)

If you switch to Custom, PlanMaker lets you to specify a custom decimal separator and thousands separator.

Warning: If you specify custom settings that are incorrect, calculations may return invalid or wrong results!

Calculation in status bar

When you select multiple cells, their sum is automatically displayed in the status bar. To have a different calculation displayed there, select the desired type of calculation. You can also select several calculation options, their results are then displayed next to each other in the status bar.

Tip: You can also set the options for "Calculation in status bar" directly in the status bar itself. To do so, click with the left mouse button in the status bar – at the point where the information for the calculation is displayed.