SUM (Sum)

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SUM (Sum)


SUM(Number1 [, Number2, Number3 ...])


Returns the sum of the given numbers.

Number1, Number2, etc., are single values, cell ranges, or arrays containing the values to be summed.

If you use this function with cell references (for example A1:A3), only numbers are considered while text strings and logical values occurring in the referenced cells are ignored.

If you use this function with fixed values that you typed in directly, numbers entered as a text string (for example, "42") are included. Furthermore the logical value TRUE evaluates as 1 and FALSE evaluates as 0. See examples below.


SUM(1, 2, 3, 4) equals 1+2+3+4, which is 10

If the cells A1:A4 contains the values 1, 2, 3 and 4:

SUM(A1:A4) equals 1+2+3+4, which is 10

Please note:

If the cells A1:A3 contain 1, "2" and TRUE:

SUM(A1:A3) returns 1, since the text string and the logical value are ignored.

They are counted only if they were typed in directly as fixed values:

SUM(1, "2", TRUE) returns 1+2+1, which is 4


There are some special terms for the SUM formula, where PlanMaker automatically completes the formula with additional functions. The following examples illustrate how it works:

If you enter SUM(A5:A), all values in column A are added, except A1:A4.

If you enter SUM(E2:2), all values in row 2 are added, except A2:D2.

If you enter SUM(A:A10), all values of A1:A10 are added.

If you enter SUM(2:E2), all values of A2:E2 are added.


You can also use the AutoSum icon autosum_icon on the ribbon tab Home | group Contents to quickly calculate the sum of a specific cell range:

When you click this icon in a cell directly below a group of cells containing numbers, it will insert the SUM function for this cell range there.

Or: When you first select a range of cells containing numbers, it will insert the sum of this cell range directly below these cells.

You can use this icon with several other arithmetic functions as well. When you click on the arrow to the right of this icon, a dropdown list containing all available functions will open (for example, Count, Product, Average, etc.). Select the desired function and proceed as described above.

See also: