Syntax highlighting

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Syntax highlighting

If Syntax highlighting is enabled, cells will be colorized according to their content. For example, cells containing an error are displayed in red; cells containing a formula are displayed in green, etc.

This is useful for visualizing which cells contain formulas, fixed values, etc., and where errors occur.

Enabling and disabling syntax highlighting

To enable syntax highlighting, choose the ribbon command View | Syntax highlighting syntax_high_icon (in the View group).

If you click on this command again, it will be disabled.

What the foreground color indicates

When syntax highlighting is enabled, cell contents are displayed in the following foreground colors:

Cell content

Foreground color

Error value




Fixed positive number

Dark blue

Fixed negative number

Light blue

Fixed logical value


Fixed text string


What the background color indicates

Cells containing an error are displayed in red foreground color and shaded in one of the following background colors: The background color indicates the error type:

Foreground color

Error type


Formula returns an error value. The calculation in this cell returns an error value (caused, for example, by a division by zero).


Tip: If you click the cell, an error message is displayed in the status bar (see Error values). Correct the formula accordingly.


Syntax error in formula. The calculation in this cell has a syntax error (caused, for example, by a missing parenthesis or missing arguments).


Tip: If you click the cell, an error message is displayed in the status bar. Correct the formula accordingly. If you don't correct the formula, it will be replaced by the text string #NULL! when the document is saved!

Light gray

Function not exportable. The calculation in this cell uses an arithmetic function that cannot be saved in the currently chosen file format.


Tip: Replace the function by a function that is compatible with the chosen file format. For more information, see the corresponding function description in this manual.


Function possibly imported erroneously. The calculation in this cell uses a PlanMaker 97 arithmetic function whose syntax or function might be incompatible with recent versions of PlanMaker. This error only occurs for time functions when importing documents created with PlanMaker 97.


Tip: See corresponding function description in this manual.


Function unknown. The calculation in this cell uses an arithmetic function unknown to PlanMaker. This error might occur when importing documents created with other applications (e.g. Microsoft Excel).


Tip: Replace the function with a corresponding PlanMaker function. For a list of all PlanMaker functions, see Functions from A to Z.