TIMEDIFF (time difference)

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TIMEDIFF (time difference)


TIMEDIFF(StartTime, EndTime)


Returns the time elapsed between two time values.

StartTime is the start time. EndTime is the end time.

Both can be either time values or date values including a time. Please note that in the latter case, both StartTime and EndTime have to include a date, otherwise a #VALUE! error value is returned.


Compared to simply subtracting time values, this function has the following advantage when EndTime is smaller than StartTime:

An employee starts his shift, for example, at 10:00 pm and leaves at 6:00 am. If calculating his hours of work by subtracting 10:00 pm from 6:00 am, the result would be -16 hours. If the TIMEDIFF function is used, the correct result (8 hours) is returned.


TIMEDIFF("8:00 AM", "4:00 PM") returns 8:00

TIMEDIFF("10:00 PM", "6:00 AM") returns 8:00

TIMEDIFF("10/01/2018 10:00 PM", "10/02/2018 6:00 AM") returns 8:00

Compatibility notes:

This function is not supported by Microsoft Excel. If you save a document in Excel format, all calculations using this function will be replaced by their last result as a fixed value.

See also: