XIRR (internal rate of return)

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XIRR (internal rate of return)


XIRR(Values, Dates [, Guess])


Returns an estimate for the internal rate of return of an investment with irregular cash flows.

The calculation is based on the cash flows specified in the Values argument. Payments have to be entered as negative values, income as positive values. Payments may be made at any time. The date of each cash flow has to be specified using the Dates argument.

The function expects the following arguments:

Values is a cell range or array containing the cash flows. At least one payment and one income have to be given.

Dates is a cell range or array containing the dates for each cash flow specified in Values.

Guess (optional) lets you specify an estimate for the result (see note below).


The result of this function is calculated using an iterative search technique. If the function does not find a result with an accuracy of 0.00001% or better after 20 iterations, it aborts and the #NUM! error value is returned. If this occurs, try altering the Guess parameter.

See also: