ADDRESS (cell address as text)

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ADDRESS (cell address as text)


ADDRESS(Row, Column [, Abs] [, Mode] [, SheetName])


This returns a text string containing the address of a cell.

For Row and Column, the row number and column number of the cell must be specified.

The optional argument Abs specifies whether to deliver an absolute or relative address:

1 or omitted: Absolute row and column

2: Absolute row, relative column

3: Relative row, absolute column

4: Relative row and column

The optional argument Mode specifies the format in which the cell address is to be output:

TRUE or omitted: Normal cell address (for example, A1)

FALSE: Cell address in R1C1 format (an alternative type of cell addressing, supported by Microsoft Excel only)

The optional argument SheetName lets you specify a worksheet name. If it is specified, it is placed in front of the resulting cell reference. In other words:

If it is not specified, only the cell address will be returned.

If it is specified, SheetName!Address will be returned (see example).


ADDRESS(1, 5) returns $E$1

ADDRESS(1, 5, 4) returns E1

ADDRESS(1, 5, 4, , "MySheet1") returns MySheet1!E1

See also: