AVERAGEA (arithmetic mean)

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AVERAGEA (arithmetic mean)


AVERAGEA(Value1 [, Value2, Value3 ...])


The AVERAGEA function is almost identical to the AVERAGE function (see note). It returns the arithmetic mean of the given values.

Number1, Number2, etc., are single values, cell ranges or arrays that contain the values to be evaluated.


Unlike the AVERAGE function, AVERAGEA also evaluates logical values and text: FALSE is evaluated as 0, while TRUE is evaluated as 1. Text is evaluated as 0.

Empty cells, however, are also ignored here.


AVERAGEA(1, 2, 6) equals (1+2+6) / 3, which is 3.

If the cells A1:A4 contain the values 0, 1, 4 and the logical value TRUE, the following applies:

AVERAGEA(A1:A4) equals (0+1+4+1) / 4, which is 1.5. The logical value TRUE is interpreted as 1 here.

For comparison:

AVERAGE(A1:A4) equals (0+1+4) / 3, which is 1.66667. The logical value is ignored here.

See also: