BASE (convert decimal number into another base)

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BASE (convert decimal number into another base)


BASE(Number, Base [, Digits])


This converts the given decimal number (base 10) to a number with a different base – for example, a binary number (base 2) or a hexadecimal number (base 16).

Note: Please note that the result of this function is a text string and not a number.

Number is the number to be converted. Only positive numbers are allowed.

Base is the base into which the number is to be converted. Only integers between 2 and 36 are allowed.

The optional argument Digits lets you specify the minimum number of places to be displayed. If omitted, PlanMaker automatically determines the required number of places. Digits must be a positive integer.

Compatibility notes:

Microsoft Excel supports this function only in version 2013 or later. The function is unknown in older versions.


BASE(42, 2) returns 101010 (decimal number 42 displayed as a binary number)

BASE(42, 2, 8) returns 00101010 (ditto, with the minimum places set to 8)

See also: