BINOM.DIST.RANGE (binomial distribution)

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BINOM.DIST.RANGE (binomial distribution)


BINOM.DIST.RANGE(n, p, k1 [,k2])


This returns the probability of success of a number of trials using a binomial distribution.

n is the number of independent trial runs. Must be ≥ 0.

p is the probability of the success of each trial run. It must be within the range 0 to 1. (0 corresponds to 0% ; 1 corresponds to 100%)

k1 is the number of successes. It must be within the range 0 to n.

k2 is optional and returns the probability that the number of successes will fall between k1 and k2. k2 must be within the range k1 to n.

n and k1,k2 should be integers. If this is not the case, PlanMaker automatically truncates the decimal places.

Additional info:

If the optional argument k2 is omitted, the probability of the exact number of successes is calculated.


When you toss a coin 10 times (n=10), what is the probability of it landing on "heads" (p=50%) exactly 4 times?

BINOM.DIST.RANGE(10, 50%, 4) returns 0.20508                =20.5%

What is the probability of it landing on "heads" between 4 and 8 times?

BINOM.DIST.RANGE(10, 50%, 4, 8) returns 0.81738        =81.7%

Compatibility notes:

Microsoft Excel supports this function only in version 2013 or later. The function is unknown in older versions.

See also: