Changing the direction of worksheets

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Changing the direction of worksheets

If the option Extended support for Arabic text is enabled in Options options_icon, you can change the text direction of a worksheet at any time.

To do so, proceed as follows:

1.Choose the ribbon command Insert | group Tables | Sheet | Properties in the desired worksheet.
Alternatively: Right-click on the worksheet in the worksheet register, and select Properties.
2.Under Sheet direction, enable the option Right to left to change the direction to right-to-left.

The direction of the worksheet then changes accordingly.

Thus, if you change the direction of a worksheet to right-to-left, the column on the far right becomes the first column (instead of the column on the far left).

This means that the table is mirrored horizontally, as shown in the following figure:


Left: Table with sheet direction set to left-to-right

Right: Table with sheet direction set to right-to-left

Note: The text direction of each individual table cell can still be defined individually, of course (as described in Changing the text direction in table cells).