Chart properties, Elements tab

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Chart properties, Elements tab

On the Elements tab, you can show/hide and label the various chart elements:

Chart title

Here, you can enter a title for the chart. The title will then be displayed above the chart.
Tip: The icon enlarge_18 means that you can also use a link to cell content as text. Click in the corresponding cell or type the cell address in the input field.

Primary axes section

Here, you can make settings for the primary axes:
You can use the checkbox in front of each axis to enable/disable the display of this axis.
To the right of the checkbox, you can give the axis a name. This will then be displayed below/next to the axis as an axis title.
The Major grid and Minor grid options determine whether gridlines should be displayed in the background of the chart. These grids make it easier to read the values. For more information, see Gridlines.

Secondary axes section

If the chart has secondary axes, you can configure them here, similar to the primary axes (see above).


Here, you can specify the position of the legend. A legend is a small box that shows which data series are displayed in which color/pattern. For more information, see Legend.