CONCAT (concatenate strings from list)

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CONCAT (concatenate strings from list)


CONCAT(String1 [, String2, String3 ...])


This combines two or more text strings into one text string. Unlike the CONCATENATE function, you can use CONCAT to select complete cell ranges and do not have to specify individual cells.


CONCAT("Good ", "Morning") returns Good Morning

CONCAT(2, " slices", " of ", "bread") returns 2 slices of bread

There is no difference so far to the CONCATENATE function. The advantage of CONCAT can be explained using the following example:


The function CONCATENATE(A2, B2, C2, D2, E2) returns MrPeterSmithMiami33133

The function CONCAT(A2:E2) also returns MrPeterSmithMiami33133

Conclusion: The new CONCAT function saves you from having to enter each cell individually.

For separators between the strings, however, you would have to enter the cells individually again and separate them with " ": CONCAT(A2, " ", B2, " ", C2, " ", D2, " ", E2).

In this case, the new function TEXTJOIN does a better job.

Compatibility notes:

Microsoft Excel supports this function only in version 2019 or later. The function is unknown in older versions.

See also: