CURRENCY (format number as currency)

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CURRENCY (format number as currency)


CURRENCY(Number [, n])


This converts a number into a text string. The resulting text string contains the number rounded to n decimal places and formatted as a currency.

PlanMaker determines the currency to be displayed from your computer's country settings. For example, a dollar sign $ is displayed for users in the U.S., while a euro sign € is displayed for users in Germany, etc.

Number is the number to be converted.

The optional argument n determines the desired number of decimal places. If n is omitted, Number is rounded to 2 decimal places.

If n is a negative value, Number is rounded to the left of the decimal point. For example, if n is -2, Number is rounded to the nearest multiple of a hundred (see last example).


Note that the result of this function is a text string. To round a number without converting it into a text string, use one of the rounding functions (for example, ROUND) instead.

To display a number only rounded and formatted as currency, you can also change its number format using the commands of the ribbon tab Home | group Number.

Compatibility notes:

This function does not exist in Microsoft Excel. If you save a document in Excel format, all calculations using this function will be replaced with their current result as a fixed value.


CURRENCY(123.456) returns the text string $123.46

CURRENCY(123.456, 2) returns the text string $123.46

CURRENCY(123.456, -2) returns the text string $100