DAYS360 (days between two dates)

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DAYS360 (days between two dates)


DAYS360(StartDate, EndDate [, Method])


This returns the number of days between two dates – based on a year with 360 days (12 months with 30 days each) and ignoring leap years.

StartDate and EndDate are the two dates to be evaluated.

Method (optional) is a logical value that lets you specify how dates occurring on the 31st of a month should be evaluated:

FALSE or omitted: The U.S. (NASD) method is used: If StartDate is the 31st of a month, the 30th of the same month will be used instead. If EndDate is the 31st of a month, the 1st of the following month will be used instead. Exception: If StartDate and EndDate are the 31st of a month, the 30th of the same month will be used instead (for both dates).

TRUE: The European method is used: If StartDate or EndDate is the 31st of a month, the 30th of the same month will be used.


Thus, if you do not want to calculate according to the U.S. (NASD) method, the Method argument must be specified as TRUE.


DAYS360("01/01/2018", "02/01/2018", TRUE) returns 30

DAYS360("02/01/2018", "03/01/2018", TRUE) returns 30

DAYS360("01/01/2012", "01/01/2013", TRUE) returns 360

See also: