DVARP (database function)

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DVARP (database function)


DVARP(DatabaseArea, Column, SearchCriteriaArea)


This calculates the variance of a population based on the entire population, using those values in a column of a database area that match the conditions specified in the search criteria area.

For more information on the use of database functions, see Working with database functions.

DatabaseArea is the cell range that contains the database. The first row of DatabaseArea must contain labels for the database columns (for example, Amount, Price, etc.).

Column is the desired column of the database area from which data is to be returned. You can specify Column by its relative column number or by its column label within double quotation marks (e.g., "Amount", "Price", etc.).

SearchCriteriaArea is a cell range containing one or more conditions that have to be fulfilled. The first row of SearchCriteriaArea has to contain column labels (e.g., Amount, Price, etc.).

See also: