Edit toolbar

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Edit toolbar

In the ribbon interface as well as in the classic menus you will find the Edit toolbar below the ribbon (or below the standard toolbar and formatting toolbar in the classic menu interface).


The Edit toolbar contains the following options:

Cell address

The address of the currently active cell is displayed on the far left.

Icons and input field for editing cell contents

Three icons and an input field can be found to the right of the cell address.

Click in the input field to edit the content of the current cell. Alternatively, you can edit the cell content directly by simply clicking in the cell and starting to type. The latter option is usually faster.

For more information on entering and editing data in cells, see Entering data in cells.

The buttons next to the cell address have the following functions:




This button corresponds to choosing the ribbon command Formula | Function (menu command Insert > Function)


This button accepts the entry in the input field (corresponds to pressing the Enter key)


This button rejects the entry in the input field (corresponds to pressing the Esc key)

For more information on entering formulas, see Formulas and functions.

Expanding the input field

The input field of the Edit toolbar is usually displayed as one line. For longer formulas, however, it is helpful if the input field expands so that you can see the entire formula.

You can set the behaviour of the input field as desired. To do so, click on the button edit_bar_expand_icon to the right of the input field to open a menu in which you can choose from the following options:


The input field is displayed as one line by default. If the space is no longer sufficient to display the formula in one line, the input field is automatically expanded to four lines.

One line

The input field is always displayed as one line, even if the formula exceeds one line.

Four lines

The input field is always displayed as four lines, even if the formula fits in one line.

Tip: These options can also be found in the dialog box that opens upon choosing the command File | Options options_icon and clicking on the Edit tab.

Note: If the aforementioned button is not available, click on the overflow_chevron icon on the far right of the Edit toolbar. Select Add/remove buttons and enable Input field height.