Error values

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Error values

If an error occurs in a calculation, it returns an error value as the result.

An example: A division is to be performed in a cell by the content of another cell. This other cell now takes a value of 0. PlanMaker cannot perform this division by zero, which is not allowed in mathematics. The error value #DIV/0! will now be displayed in the cell, which indicates that a division by zero is being performed.

The following error values exist:

Error value



Invalid cell reference. This is displayed when the formula contains a cell reference that is invalid or nonexistent after deleting cells (e.g., with the ribbon command Home | group Cells | Delete).


Division by zero. This is displayed when a formula contains a division by zero (which is never permitted in mathematics).


Invalid formula. This is displayed for misspelled or unknown function names, among other things, if open parentheses are not closed, or if a function is called with too many or too few arguments.


Reference with an invalid name. This displayed when a cell reference refers to a sheet name or range name that does not exist.


"Not available". This is displayed when a cell contains a #N/A error value or a reference to a cell with a #N/A error value. For more information, see NA (error value #N/A).


Invalid value. This is displayed when a function is used with an inappropriate parameter type (for example, if a number is passed to a function that is expecting a text string).


Invalid number. This is displayed when a function is used with a value that is outside the range of values permitted for the function (for example, SQRT(-2)).

Tip: To test if a cell returns an error value, use the functions ISERROR and ISERR.

Tip: You can also use the formula auditing from the command group Traces on the ribbon tab Formula to find and analyze cells that contain an error value. For more information, see Analyzing sheets.