Floor (three-dimensional charts only)

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Floor (three-dimensional charts only)

Floors are only present in three-dimensional chart types.

Edit properties: To change the properties of the floor, select it, right-click it to open the context menu and choose the command Floor: Properties.

Tip: Alternatively, you can choose this command via the Edit properties icon chart_edit_element_icon on the ribbon tab Chart | group Chart elements. The other alternative is to double-click on the floor.

You can make the following settings:

Format tab

Tip: Borders and fill can also be conveniently adjusted directly via the buttons of the ribbon tab Chart | group Chart elements. For more information, see Editing chart elements.

Border section

Here, you can add a border to the floor. To do so, use the option Custom to select the desired line style. The option None removes the border.

Fill section

Here, you can change the fill of the floor. To do so, use the option Color to select the desired fill color. The fill will be transparent if you use the option None.
If you select the fill type Effects and click on the Customize button, the program will display a dialog box that will allow you to also apply more complex fills (such as a color gradient). The use of this dialog box is described in Object properties, Fill tab.

3D view tab

Here, you can set the 3D effect for the entire chart. For more information, see Chart properties, 3D view tab.