Initial Caps tab

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Initial Caps tab

If the auto correction function Correct first Two UPpercase LEtters is enabled on the Options tab, PlanMaker automatically corrects the case of words whose first two letters have been capitalized inadvertently.

Here, on the Initial caps tab, you can set exceptions to this rule:

This applies, for example, to terms such as "BSc", "DAdmin", "CDs", where it is not at all desirable for the combination of two capital letters at the beginning of the word to be corrected.

Enter the appropriate terms in the exception list on the Initial caps tab. An extensive list is already provided for many languages.

You can add new entries to this list or delete existing entries.

Note: The list is automatically linked to the language that is set as the default language (see Setting the language). However, you can also edit the lists for other languages independently at the top of the Auto correction tab.