MINVERSE (inverse matrix)

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MINVERSE (inverse matrix)




This returns the inverse of a square matrix.

The inverse A-1 of matrix A is the matrix by which A must be multiplied to obtain the identity matrix 1.

Array is a cell range or array containing the matrix to be evaluated. It must contain numeric values only and be square, i.e., have the same number of rows and columns.

Additional info:

Matrices whose determinant is zero (singular matrices) cannot be inverted. In this case, the MINVERSE function returns a #NUM! error value.


Formulas using this function have to be entered as an array formula. For more information, see Working with arrays.


MINVERSE({9,8,8;2,4,6;1,2,1}) returns:


See also:

Section Working with arrays, MDETERM, MMULT, MSOLVE, TRANSPOSE