MOD (remainder of a division, Excel method)

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MOD (remainder of a division, Excel method)


MOD(x, y)


This returns the remainder of the division of x by y according to the "Excel method".

Important: This function returns incorrect results in some cases (see additional info below)!


MOD(5, 3) returns 2

MOD(5, 0) returns the #DIV/0! error value

MOD(5, -3) returns -1 (which is incorrect – see additional info below!)

Additional info:

Microsoft Excel returns incorrect results when you use the MOD function with a negative numerator or denominator.

PlanMaker also returns incorrect results in this case (for compatibility reasons), but it offers an additional function named MODP that returns correct results.

The following table shows the differences between MOD and MODP (the results highlighted in green color are incorrect):


Compatibility notes:

Note: The MODP function is not supported by Microsoft Excel. If you save a document in Excel format, all calculations that use this function will be replaced by their last result as a fixed value.

See also: