Object properties, Format tab

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Object properties, Format tab

You can use the Format tab to make settings with respect to the format of the object, such as resizing it.

Available options:

Size and Scaling sections

You can resize the object here. To do so, enter the desired Width and Height. Alternatively, you can change an object's size by specifying the width as a percentage of the original width in Horz. scaling and the height as a percentage of the original height in Vert. scaling.
If the option Keep aspect ratio is enabled, changes in height automatically have a proportional effect on width (and vice versa).
There is an additional option named Keep scaling for OLE objects. If it is enabled, any changes made to the object's size within its source application will automatically affect the object in PlanMaker. If it is disabled, the object will always remain the same size in PlanMaker. (Note: Not all OLE source applications support this feature.)

Position section

Here, you can choose to what extent the object's position and size are dependent on the table cells it covers.
Depends on cell position and size: The object behaves as if it were anchored to the cell covered by the top left corner of the object. Thus, if you insert new rows above this cell, the object will be pushed down accordingly.
Furthermore, the object's size depends on the height and width of the cells it covers. If, for example, you increase the width of these cells, the object will grow accordingly.
Depends only on cell position: The object also behaves here as if it were anchored to the cell covered by the top left corner of the object. The object moves when you insert rows above it, but the size of the object does not change when you resize the cells it covers.
Independent of cell position and size: The object always retains its original position and size, regardless of the cells it covers.

Rotation section

This option is only available for drawings and pictures.
Here, you can rotate the object. To do so, enter the angle at which you want to rotate the object clockwise.

Flip section

This option is only available for drawings and pictures.
Here, you can flip the object vertically or horizontally.