PRODUCT (product)

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PRODUCT (product)


PRODUCT(Number1 [, Number2, Number3 ...])


This returns the product of the specified numbers. Number1, Number2, etc., are the numbers to be multiplied.

Additional info:

When you use this function with cell references or arrays, text strings and logical values are ignored. However, the situation is different if you specify fixed values: Here, text strings containing numbers are counted. Furthermore, the logical value TRUE is treated as 1 and FALSE as 0. See examples below.


PRODUCT(2, 3, 4) equals 2*3*4, which is 24

When cells A1 to A3 are filled with the values 2, 3 and 4, the following applies:

PRODUCT(A1:A3) equals 2*3*4, which is 24


PRODUCT(2, "5", TRUE) equals 2*5*1, thus 10

However: If cells A1 to A3 are filled with 2, "5" and TRUE, the formula PRODUCT(A1:A3) returns a different result: It returns 2, as strings and logical values are only considered if they are specified as fixed values.

See also: