Status bar

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Status bar

The Status bar is found at the bottom of the program window.


Note: If you do not see the status bar, you will have to change the settings for it as described in Settings, Appearance tab (for the ribbon interface) or as described in Showing and hiding toolbars (for the classic menu interface).

You can read the following information in the status bar:



Font color,

Different information is displayed on the far left. If you hover the mouse cursor over a command icon, the function of this command is displayed here. If you select an object, its name is displayed here. If you move or resize an object, the current position/size is displayed, etc.


The online calculation is displayed next to it. If you select several cells, the calculation of the cell contents, for example, the sum, is automatically displayed here. Various calculation functions are possible and can be opened by just clicking on the display. (See also the option Calculation in status bar in the Settings, Edit tab.)


This icon lights up if the worksheet contains a circular reference. This usually indicates an incorrectly formulated formula – for example, a formula in cell A1 that refers to cell A1 itself.


If you click on this icon, the cell frame jumps to the cell with the circular reference. If you click on it again, it jumps to the next cell with such a reference (if more of them exist).


This option shows whether Insert mode (Ins) or Overwrite mode (Ovr) is enabled. This allows you to determine what should happen to the existing cell contents when editing a cell:


Ins: Insert mode is enabled – newly entered text will be inserted in front of existing text.


Ovr: Overwrite mode is enabled – newly entered text will be written over existing text.


The default setting is Ins. You can use the Ins key on your keyboard to switch between these two modes (or by clicking on the Ins/Ovr display).


The Ins key can also be disabled. For more information, see Settings, General tab.


This indicates PlanMaker's current input mode:


AUTO: Normal input mode is enabled – numbers are automatically recognized as numbers, and formulas are automatically recognized as formulas. This is the default setting.


TEXT: Text input mode is enabled – all entries are converted into text (including numbers and formulas).


To switch between these two modes, either click on the text "AUTO" in the status bar or press the key combination Ctrl+Shift+F4.


Important: If you switch to TEXT input mode, all numbers and formulas you enter will be automatically preceded by a single quotation mark ('). This converts them into text, and they can no longer be used for calculations. (In order to turn converted numbers/formulas back to normal numbers/formulas, switch back to AUTO mode and remove the leading quotation mark.)

The status bar also contains a zoom slider that allows you to change the zoom level for the document:


To do so, either drag the slider with your mouse or click on the plus or minus icon (see Zoom level).

Tip: Configuring the status bar

If you click on the double arrow overflow_chevron on the far right of the status bar, you will find the following options:

You can use the option Add/remove buttons to show or hide the individual preset elements of the status bar.

The option Customize opens the dialog box Customize user interface, where you can freely configure the status bar from all commands available in PlanMaker.

In the dialog box, select the item "Status bar" in the list Customize (top right). You can then add or remove buttons from the status bar and change their order. For more information, see Customizing icons and groups in the ribbon.

Reset this toolbar restores all changes made to the status bar back to their original state.