SUMPRODUCT (sum of products)

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SUMPRODUCT (sum of products)


SUMPRODUCT(Range1 [, Range2, Range3 ...])


This multiplies the corresponding elements of two or more arrays and returns the sum of these products.

Range1, Range2, etc., are cell ranges or arrays that contain the values to be evaluated. As a rule, you must specify the cell ranges which contain the values here.

All ranges must have the same number of rows and columns, otherwise the function returns a #N/A error value.

Empty cells and cells with non-numeric content (strings, logical values, etc.) are interpreted as zero.


You have created a document in which you enter your inventory.

The document contains two areas of equal size. In the first area, the quantities of the articles are entered. In the second area, the corresponding unit prices are entered.


In order to calculate the total value of all articles, the quantities of each item must be multiplied by their respective unit price. Finally, the sum of these products must be calculated.

This entire calculation can be combined with the SUMPRODUCT function:

SUMPRODUCT(B4:C6, B11:C13) returns 12710.

Thus, there are currently articles with a total value of €12710 in your inventory.

See also: