Using and evaluating form objects

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Using and evaluating form objects

Using form objects is very much like using control elements in dialog boxes. For example, check marks can by set or removed by clicking on them. A listbox entry can be selected by clicking on it, etc.

Evaluating form objects

Form objects are evaluated via the result cell of the object. This is the cell which holds the value that the form object returns.

The location of the result cell can be determined individually for each form object: To do so, select the form object, right-click to open the context menu and select Form object: Properties. In the dialog box, switch to the Form object tab and enter the desired cell address in the Result cell field.

For example: You have assigned the result cell D4 to a list. If you click on the first entry in the list, 1 will be displayed in D4. If you click on the fifth entry, 5 will be displayed, etc.

The relationship between a form object and its result cell is also two-way: If you manually enter 3 in the result cell, the third entry will be automatically selected in the list.