Analyzing sheets

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Analyzing sheets

PlanMaker provides several tools for analyzing cell contents and formulas in a table. These can be very useful for detecting errors.

For this purpose, the following tools are available:

Displaying formulas instead of results

If the ribbon command View | Show formulas is enabled, cells containing a calculation will display the formula rather than the result.

Syntax highlighting

If the ribbon command View | Syntax highlighting is enabled, cells will be colorized according to their content. For example, cells containing an error are displayed in red; cells containing a formula are displayed in green, etc.

Watch window for cell content

FreeOffice: The Show watch list command is not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

With the ribbon command Formula | Show watch list you can display a watch window for cell contents at any time. It allows you to observe the current values in the specified cells.

Formula auditing

FreeOffice: Formula auditing is not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

The commands of the ribbon tab Formula | group Traces provide tools for displaying the relationships between cells graphically. For example, if the current cell contains a formula that refers to other cells, you can let PlanMaker display arrows pointing to these cells.
Apart from that, you can find errors in your table easily or to mark all invalid data with red circles.

For more information on these functions, see the following pages.