Creating tables in worksheets

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Creating tables in worksheets

FreeOffice: Creating tables in worksheets is not included in SoftMaker FreeOffice.

As described in the introduction of the section Tables in worksheets, the ribbon command Insert | Table allows you to have "Tables in worksheets". Below you will learn how to create such a table.

To create a "Table in a worksheet", proceed as follows:

1.Optional: In a range of adjacent cells, enter the data that you want to create a table from.

Tip: It is recommended to add column headings for each column in the first row of that cell range. (If there are no column headings, PlanMaker will generate automatic headings named Column1, Column2, etc.)

2.Select the cell range (including the column headings).
3.Choose the ribbon command Insert | Table table_insert_icon (click directly on the icon itself).
Tip: If you click on the icon's arrow rather than directly on the icon itself, a list of predefined templates will open, which can be applied directly.
4.The program displays a dialog box with the following options:
Source range: The cell range that the table is created from. The currently selected cells are suggested by default. So, unless you want to specify a different cell range, all you have to do is confirm this.
Source range contains titles: Here you can specify if the first row in the source range contains column headings, as recommended above. When you disable this option, PlanMaker will generate automatic column headings named Column1, Column2, etc.

As soon as you confirm your selection in the dialog box, a "table" is created for the source area. In detail, the following actions are performed:

No changes are made to the table cells and their contents

Nothing special happens to the cells inside the source range. They remain ordinary table cells after creating the table – you can edit them, format them, etc. just like before.

Automatic formatting with a "table style"

However, it is immediately noticeable that the cells in the source range have been automatically reformatted: By default, the first row (containing the column headings) is shaded in a medium blue, the rows below are shaded alternately in light blue and white (unless you have selected a different template, see tip from step 3.).
A so-called table style is responsible for this. Whenever you create a table, it is automatically reformatted with the default table style. Alternatively, numerous other table templates with different colors and styles are available. On the contextual ribbon tab Table, you can switch to another style at any time using the commands Table style or Properties.

AutoFilter applied automatically

To the right of each column heading in the first table row is a small arrow filter_arrow. These arrows indicate the presence of an AutoFilter that has been added to the table cells automatically.
By default, the filter is disabled and all data in the table is shown. When you click on one of the little arrows, the menu of the AutoFilter for the current column opens. In this menu, you can apply different kinds of filters – and even sort the table data.
For more information on AutoFilters, see AutoFilter.