The worksheet register at the bottom of the document window displays tabs for each worksheet in the document.
The active worksheet is highlighted.
With the worksheet register, the following actions can be performed:
▪Switching between worksheets
| To switch to a different worksheet, click on its tab in the worksheet register. |
| Note: If there are more worksheet tabs than can be displayed at the same time, you can scroll through the list using the arrows displayed to the left of the register. |
Tip: You can also switch between the worksheets using the keyboard: Use Ctrl+Tab to move to the next worksheet and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to the previous worksheet.
▪Changing the order of worksheets
| The worksheet register can also be used to move worksheets, allowing you to change their order. |
| To do so, click with the left mouse button for about one second on the tab of the sheet that you want to move and, while still holding down the mouse button, drag the tab to the desired position in the worksheet register. |
▪Editing multiple worksheets at the same time
| You can select multiple worksheets in the worksheet register and edit them simultaneously. To select multiple worksheets, press and hold the Ctrl key while you click on their tabs in the register. (Note for Mac users: Cmd key) |
| When multiple worksheets are selected, changes made to one of the worksheets affect all of the other selected worksheets in exactly the same way. |
| When you change the formatting of cells, your changes are also applied to the same cells on the other selected worksheets. |
| When you edit or delete the content of a cell, the same cell on the other selected worksheets will be changed the same way. |
| Changes to the cell size (ribbon tab Layout | group Cells) also affect all selected worksheets. |
| Tip: To select multiple worksheets at once, use the Shift key instead of Ctrl. To deselect, click again with the mouse and Ctrl or Shift on the register tab(s). |
▪Managing worksheets
| When you click on one of the tabs in the worksheet register with the right mouse button, a context menu will appear, showing commands for creating and managing worksheets. For more information, see the next section Managing worksheets. |
▪Creating a new worksheet
| The tab to the right of the worksheet register with the icon serves as a "shortcut" for creating new worksheets: When you click it, PlanMaker immediately creates a new worksheet. |